How do you and your team members feel about strategic planning? Are you embarking on the process for the first time, ready to make it a priority? Or is this a regularly scheduled process you go through every few years? Do you struggle with knowing whether the time you spend and the plan you create will make a real difference in guiding your organization? Or will it end up buried in a digital file on a computer with little practical application?

Strategic planning can be time intensive, and with Allovance in your toolbox you can save more than 50% of the time spent on strategic and capital planning by simplifying your organizational decision making process. You’ll create defendable decisions that help you prioritize options, pursue your purpose, and support your vision with confidence to various stakeholders. Intrigued?

A Certified Allovance Decision Coach guides you to:

  • Engage in a Structured Process
    Reduce uncertainty by providing a process that is consistent, structured and yet incredibly flexible.
  • Take Advantage of an Objective Process
    Transform subjective input into objective criteria – streamlining the decision making process.
  • Save Time with a Repeatable Process
    Improve efficiency when every process, for every model, is consistent, documented, and can be repeated for any number of scenarios.

A World of Data at Your Fingertips

Allovance is a cloud-based capital allocation and strategic prioritization software designed to add transparency and reliability while building true collaboration and buy-in. Your Decision Coach will guide and facilitate stakeholders through the five-step decision making process within Allovance that includes: Strategize, Compare, Quantify, Score and Select.

Your personal Certified Allovance Decision Coach will help you create the following:

  • A data-rich snapshot of your priorities and objectives all on one page
  • A detailed strategic alignment summary
  • Weighted priorities and objectives
  • Scales and metrics that quantify objectives
  • A score for each potential project that differentiates their strategic value, complexity, and urgency
  • Customized reporting and easily digestible information – not reams of paper or endless excel sheets
  • A portfolio of projects that meet your needs, priorities and budgetary considerations while bringing the team together around what should get done and why

Your first decision? Simple! Contact Trudy Menke – Reframing Leadership today for a preview.